Thursday 22 April 2010

Not so early morning miles...

An intended 7.30 start became an 8.20 start into a rain storm, I felt so happy as I trolled up the hill wondering how I managed to end up with all my long runs at the end of the week. Just good planning I guess. There are many things to ponder on during a run, a time to tidy the shelves of your mind and emerge tidy and dustfree. I of course did not do this at all, I worried about the Jail break run as I now do on a daily basis. This I would like to say passed the run in a trice but it did not, neither did listening to the childrens music inexplicably present on my iphone. Another blow was arriving back to find the GPS reading 5.70 miles so off down the hill I went for another painful .3 or so with two very confused but happy dogs. Canine confusion involves having to run around and about my feet in an oh-so-helpful way that aids a tired runner on her way...shower time now and then into cleaning mode followed by hostess mode for an expected 5 guests tonight...yipeee Money!!

Total total... 67.81 weekly total....14.33

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