Monday 28 July 2008

Wonderful Post Appin ......

We escaped for precisely 26hrs between guests to a house Garret is working on, we camped out in the house surrounded by breathtaking beauty.....words cannot describe so I shall leave the photos to say it all. Spot the poor worker in the midst. The last few photos show the Great Toby and Rosie Raft competition overseen somewhat hysterically by Judge Freya and here are the results...
Category One:- Raft must float unaided for 15s winner Rosie
Category Two:- Raft must support the weight of the judge for 15s (was initially going to be Grandma on her chair but she, somewhat over enthusiastically I thought gave in to the judge's request to be chief tester)...hmm tricky one this as the judge fell out big time with Toby and would not get on the raft as he wished so he demonstrated it's buoyancy in a somewhat dubious manner but did win this catogory as Rosie's sank well out of sight.

PS Photo two Freya's catch.

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