Tuesday, 8 April 2008

A day in the Hills

Still carless we took to the hills on our bikes, and subsequently pushed our way up most of them. From the back of our house the track through the forest rises steeply to an old Quarry at the summit, and it defied us all except Toby. My excuse is my status as pack horse carrying provisions deemed vital for any longer than ½ hr away from home such as Hot Chocolate and Mini Eggs left over from Easter. This as well as cheese and branston sandwiches etc weighed me down and will earn my osteopath a few more contributions to his children’s school fees. We went to the old village perched up on the hills way above Loch Fyne looking over to Strachur. Someone has made a picnic bench up there and we ate the sandwiches in a fine drizzle of rain that reminded me about my washing left out a couple of miles away. We then descended and left the drizzle behind winding our way down to the shore between Pennymore and Kenmore. Some of us went down faster than intended to start off with as I discovered a distinct lack of brakes on my bike. We had another stop for eggs and a complicated game of deer/hunters followed by a “natural sculpture” competition. I felt very hurt when the judge ridiculed my wigwam and pine cone man as she felt the man was too big for the structure…this is fine coming from a judge who only came by the position because she firstly knocked her effort over and then trod back onto Toby’s. The exciting highlight of the ride came when I suddenly slowed to a halt (using my feet to fine effect) to check out the snake I was sure I could hear only for it to turn out to be a very fast puncture in my back tyre….luckily only about a mile to walk home.

1. A monument in memory of Evan McColl the Gaelic poet who was born at Kenmore on Loch Fyne that was unveiled by His Grace the Duke of Argyll in 1930.He was the author of the "The Mountain Minstrel" or in Gaelic "Clarsach nam Beann".
2.Toby and a big Tree
3. The sculpture contest in action

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