Friday 14 May 2010

Running -fast and slow

I am getting the benefit now of downgrading the training programme and having more rest days as today's longest run of the eight weeks did not daunt me too much. I actually enjoyed it and did not worry too much about times despite the silent but deadly presence of Garret's Gamin on my right wrist. I went to Inveraray and then along to Carloonan farm. Needing to make it a six miles out I headed past our usual turn round point ending near the old deserted fish farm (Could be an homage to the 1980's terror film genre there somewhere) where I ran along the river for a while until the Gamin had ticked away the vital fractions of mileage. The return route was pretty much the same with several heavy rain downpours, stops to chat with other nutters who felt it was a perfect day for a walk, a couple of cyclists rather pointlessly sheltering under a large drippy tree and enforced halts to let vehicles past. All in all quite happy. And of course the best moment is the 3 seconds or so it takes me to update the weekly and Total totals. On a sporting and rainy theme still yesterday was my very last sports day at the Primary. Freya did us proud and wopped 'em at the 100m...sorry very un-PC. She did though!! Sadly the rain meant no mums race which is just as well as I am still talking usually when the winners cross the line. Cant do running where there is no chatting!

Total total... 143.32 Weekly total....21.19

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