Wednesday 16 June 2010

Lazy, quiet days

Quite literally the calm before the storm of the sunmmer holidays as the weather and the schools usually break together.... And so we potter on into a quiet second week of June with just a few guests but the very highest quality of visitor of course! exit a very quiet Dutch couple this morning and enter two very Morningside ladies straight from the pen of Alexander McCall Smith on their way to Islay with their wee 12 year old dog....what a class act. They mounted those stairs, one on two sticks and one dragged by the dog with a will and capacity that puts many a younger person to shame. Their soft accents are dogging this entry and I wish I could convey its sound. Run time again tonight with the Lochgilphead js group...round and about Kilmartin and a lovely, lovely run with just Ginny towing me (and then Liz when she got tired) this time.

Walk 7.5 run 9 swim 1k

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