Thursday 17 June 2010

A day in the life of....

A perfect random day full of the different facets of my life...wife, Mum,B and B lady, friend and imperfect gardener who... gets the occasional perfect treat. Breakfast was very genteel and polite with the two afore mentioned ladies who finally departed in a flurry of frantic car repacking and goodbyes which left me to clean and reset the room at my leisure. Garret had car duties in Inveraray during which time he had a call out (in Inveraray as luck would have it so was not left kicking his heels too long) so I fed and watered birds, piggies, goats, ducks and geese (can't do the rabbits due to allergies...these are the two members of the rabbit family who rubbish any known facts about the right word? or speedy ability to procreate as they have been living together as man and wife for many months now with no effect apart from Mr Rabbit looking a bit brow beaten all the time...back to the story, for anyone who is still following they did finally get fed by the non allergic Garret). Watering the poly-tunnel also fell to me today and so I got to harvest the first two strawberries which we duly scoffed before the children could get them...all is fair in love and gardening. A quick shower and off to Inveraray to collect a lovely flower bouquet which only dropped water on me for a short time before I handed them to Birthday girl Janice prior to a chatty long lunch in The George. Home to cobble together pasta for tea and then a whirlwind beauty therapy session for Freya prior to the P7 High school disco. We discovered that there is a very good reason why restaurant/hairdresser combinations just don't, another trip around the High School for me whilst she boogied on down...finally home and a whisky (for me not her....)

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