Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Wet Wet Wet and other Scottish bands

The title says it all for this afternoon (not the bit about Scottish band, I put that in as an attention grabber). The heavens opened this afternoon and the rain is bouncing down still. It is actually very pleasant (for those of us not camping) as the ground is quite warm and it has been very close. The air has cleared now, which is very soothing indeed. Rosie has been canoeing today according to the itinerary so I daresay the weather will not have made too much difference to her general state of wetness. Liz and I made it through a fairly warm run and then a swim before the rain started leaving us to rush home in a very clucky, housewifey way to get our washing in from the line(s). I was lucky Garret was here and had rescued ours, but selfishly had not driven to Minard to get Liz’s…Men.. Huh! He had dropped a piece though on the way in from the garden so my average white (head) band got very wet in the subsequent downpour, so I had to give out a massive primal scream of rage. Anyway off now for the ironing and the nightly dose of Springwatch.

N.B I don’t know whether anyone noticed then how very cunningly, and effortlessly I inserted the names of two more Scottish bands into the telling of that wee tale of everyday nonsense. It takes hours of practice you know.

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