Monday 22 June 2009

A reet good day.

Since pulling my adductor tendon last year I have taken great care with my creakily ageing body being cautious at the slightest twinge and reining in the training at any sign of a twinge. So, yesterday I spent 5 hours essentially doing continuous squats with my right leg whilst the left knee rested on the ground. Then I shovelled about ½ ton of sand back into a large square bag from the High School revered astra turf providing good entertainment for the many Dads standing around who all presumably had notes from their Drs to say they could not help. My osteopath will be delighted at being able to fund another child through private school as a result of my efforts. Despite arriving late at the annual Sports day for athletics club the request for help could not be ignored in their hour (nearer 5)of need. However all moaning aside it was a great day and I thoroughly enjoyed being part of it. In my opinion marking the jumpers in the long jump was THE most important job in the field (of course) the pressure was huge but the entertainment factor massive especially with the little ones. The pressure came with the U17 boys who demanded proof of the slightest slip (fingers down behind) . Luckily the crowds had gathered and I had corroboration from all around. The crowning moment came when Toby and Eric battled it out on the long jump for overall first place in the u15s. Toby had three firsts and a second, Eric four firsts. If Eric won he would win the category, if Toby won they would draw. Here comes the commentary..cue the hushed tomes aka the Olympics if you can and enjoy.
The first jump was good, not over long but good and Eric beat it. The second jump was no jump as the toe was over the line...Eric starts to celebrate...the third jump yes...beat Eric’s best at 4m17. Here comes Eric making a good run for it, he is up, he’s looking good, I bend to measure, the voice in my head “no pressure” and yes! Clearly 4m12..Corroboration from the other judge and a relieved Toby. So what is a sore muscle or two compared to such joy and pleasure. A great, friendly competition.

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