Sunday 12 September 2010

Boil in the bag cyclist

Yesterdays cycle in the new highly visibly jacket kindly provided by Garret a while ago but never worn was interesting with an internal debate along the way as to how much moisture can collect inside a jacket before you overheat and topple sideways from your vehicle onto the road and lie melting in a puddle of sweat...At the turning point I oozed my way out of the sleeves which tied nicely around my upper chest meaning that the visibility factor was still available but breathing heavily limited. However all attention on my ability to breathe was knocked into second position when "Susan's Giant Schnauzers" van attempted to remove my elbow without recourse to anaesthetics....This was nothing compared with today's "brick" session with Garret(Cycle (4 miles) to run (1 mile)) times three) which I did (well, we started at the same time but he gradually extended his lead to just under two miles...) during which I was hooted at by a passing motorist for presumably not being able to go as fast as his car for which I apologise....sort of, well, actually I don't but then again neither do I make offensive gestures on a main road of a Sunday lunch time! Relaxation came in the form of a cycle (yes really!)to the shore, a fire and picnic lunch with my favourite family.

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