Finally we have had some good weather and so immediately we jumped into the car and headed for our first ever family camping trip to Loch Lomond and our old stomping ground at Millarchy Bay. The memories flood back with that curious camping smell that never leaves your memory senses once a night under canvas has been experienced. The fabulous scenery, glorious weather and companionableness of all concerned (once the tent was up that is....) made up for the man snoring from 11pm until 2am in the next, far too close tent and an awful brush with a woman who objected to our ethnic origins with a very limited but admittedly colourful vocabulary. A great weekend indeed but I am now into the pre tri nerves with a lousy performance yesterday round the tri cycle rout when I was way too far behind Liz to even eat her had long since settled and Toby was beyond a dot on the undulating horizon. I also ran the run route and suffered with pains in front of my ankle all the way out and an amazing lassitude on the way back to the pool...ah well.......
The “Then” blog. For details see entry for March 7th 2009. In brief the restoration of Claonairigh House.
Weds 9th September 1992 (Garret)
Dry but cloudy am Showers pm.
Steve arrived 07.45 with fresh venison joints in the shape of a deer (red or Sika) so morning spent gutting, skinning and jointing. Afternoon on the mill roof felting where tiles stolen. Bambi Burgers for tea.
Thursday 10th (Peter)
Rain showers, dull, no midges
Garret returned home with venison etc taking a few days off with Fee at Hawes. As weather not too grim cleared lane at rear of house of grass and soil. Venison for tea.
Friday 11th September (Peter)
Unbelievable, the sun has got his hat on in between the rain showers. It is a pleasure to get wet then steam dry slowly. Hydro Electric connected the power to the house just after dinner. They had to cut down a small silver birch as it was too near the power cables. The foxes had cleared most of the 9deer) guts early this morning aprox 3.30am.. You could hear them fighting over the best bits, must put waste guts in sight of house windows, then on second night shoot the so and so’s, teach them to wake me up. Just got section of rear lane from door to gate to finish.
Saturday 12th
Rain showers (bright) Midges (slight)
Family arrived early in good form with fresh provisions. Rigged up temp electrical supply to van, generally lazy day workwise. Spare ribs in special sauce for tea...very good. Weather hopefully starting to improve. Heard Barn owl early.
Sunday 13th September
Rain showers (bright) Midges
Lazy day. General chores to do, went to inveraray. Gail and Russ went to jail but managed to escape. (Gail) We were going to fish for mackerel but unfortunately it rained-I take it this is no great surprise. Very nice roast venison for tea, another early night after discussing the downfall of the Royal Family.
Monday 14th September (Gail)
Sunshine and showers, no real downpours. Midges bad evening.
Peter and Russ cleared drive in morning-with linda. Gail clearing away the debris. Shotton management put hard core all the way down the track to the main road. P, R and G went fishing in the afternoon. Caught two mackerel. Gail used Garret’s rod to catch the biggest one. Had duk and mackerel for tea. Russ plucked and gutted the mallard which Steve bought in the morning. Linda went for a walk with Derby and fell into a bog-up to the top of both willies. Gail is not the odd one out now. (Peter) Roofing felt and wood delivered today, whilst fishing saw a seal and porpoise in the loch)
Tuesday 15th September (Linda)
Rain, very grey with sunny spells. Even too wet for midges, lots of sleepy wasps.
Awoke this am by Steve with another roadside fatality...a deer. Road works continued despite the weather. Deer attended to by steve again. 12.30 for coffee. 3.30 another visit from Mrs Tove Grey Stevens and 9 great Danes and all (?). Garret arrived at 7.30-Derby was very pleased to see Tess. Cleared tree from in front of porch. Russ and Steve went deer stalking-came back with large stag-antlers now in front of fire.
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