Friday 15 May 2009

Ten weary miles on...even the dogs were knackered!

A wee trip round Loch Glashan with Liz and the dogs today before the rains came. Lucy realised what was afoot early on and paced herself but Ginny did not need to. Every so often her little black head would pop back over the crest of a hill to check our plodding progress. My legs were definitely heavy and the brain sore too I think. It took me a good long time to add up my mileage over the last two weeks and to come up with 53.3 miles. The litany of aches and pains grew as the miles clocked up and it made me feel so much better to list them all out loud. liz generously tolerated this foible for at least a mile. Who needs way markers when, for example,the tummy gets hungry at 2 miles,the right hip reliably and regularly starts to ache at 6 miles followed by various ailments both imaginary and real roving up and across the body with abandon? Liz beat me with a sprint to the car fair and square...(well, she did have Molly pulling her along on the lead but who would be churlish enough to note that, not me for sure......). We had a mutual confession as soon as the car was reached that internally we had been willing the other to drop to a walk at any point. However we are obviously made of sterner stuff and so celebrated by falling upon a packet of Rollo's lurking in my car. Fab soup at Liz's with toast and salmon finished a perfect (I can say that now) exercise routine nicely. All aches and pains forgotten and forgiven.The finger nails are rapidly disappearing and so that can only mean RACE DAY next weekend.
1hr 29 mins and 57s!!

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