September has arrived and along with the summer the B and B guests are slowly drifting away. The weekend was busy, busy with the Connect folk, all very well behaved and nice guests. Actually scratch that, I hate “nice” and so will go with “lovely”. There is something about “nice” which gets my dander up, it is such a nothing word. Anyway, back to the weekend, all seemed to go well at the festival, especially good reports of the food and extras available. We have had several attempts at bookings for next year’s event. We have made a unanimous decision not to take any reservations for that weekend until into the New Year. This is for several reasons, not the least of which is that we will not have a diary until then…I know, the technological age has yet to hit us here in full.
So, the season has quietened and last night we had our first empty night in months, which enabled me to go running with Liz in Lochgilphead. She, poor girl fell her length along the canal path grazing hands, nose and knee. I was able comfort her though as she lay there by pointing out that she would get loads of sympathy from her children, as there was blood present. There is nothing like a bit of blood to get the comfort chip going in a child, swellings…nah, broken bones…nah but the red stuff impresses them every time. Even if you can only squeeze out a little bit I can recommend it when you are in need of a bit of unconditional love and attention. Back to Liz then, she was up and off (dripping blood as she went) again pretty quick and so we did a gentle run along the canal instead of flogging ourselves to get back to the pool in time for a swim. We then went our separate ways, she to tea and sympathy at the hairdressers and me to Jewson’s on errands for Garret. We all have our own special niches in life. Tonight we have two lovely Italian love birds on their honeymoon staying who are very well behaved (so far).
Re the title. I was looking for a really poignant quote for this lovely month designed to impress (and preferably one that I could pass off as my own) but could only find a load of old depressing choss about being sad and going back to school (“September means school and effort” who needs that sort of pious reminder?) and stuff so I decided to go with the first one that sprang to my mind irrelevant though it is!