Sunday 24 February 2013

Spring Painting

The weather has been glorious here recently..wall to wall blue skies and a nip of frost at night, maybe just maybe spring is on its way. At long last I have managed to get the kitchen painted..the joys of having been broken on the ski slopes resulting in no running and so more time available. Torn knee ligaments and running are not compatible in any way.....apart from the two beginners groups I have recently started. I can just about hobble along at a walk jog pace. It is wonderful to see folk out and about at the beginning of their running journey.
A several years long search may be over this afternoon as Garret has gone off with his trailer to get a scrap tractor...this is to retrieve the gears to use as some kind of means (here my technical know how starts to struggle) of hydro power...long term plan but it would be great for powering the Mill. Garret's fleet of works vehicles is growing with the latest inclusion of a rather shabby but hard working dumper truck. It has already moved the ash pile to a more hidden position. to garden, well once the Archers Omnibus has finished.....

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