Oban ½ 4th October
Fiona mentioned there was a ½ marathon this weekend and not wanting to waste the training session I did the weekend before I thought what the hell, I only worked to 01.30 in the morning so I got an early night, then remembered emptying a plastic bag out of my pocket and into a bin last night. Unfortunately it had £55 in it, so up early to hopefully retrieve it before it was nicked or thrown out! Two bacon rolls, one roll with honey and two bottles of water into the car and away after one quick detour to restack some 5m long roofing sheets that had moved in the wind. Arrived at Oban and registered, quick change and a tin of red bull to drink (Bad idea). A warm up and a quick walk to the start. Then off down the main street and through the town. At the one mile mark I checked my watch, 6.5mins, not good, (I need Fiona with me to stop my natural impetuousness). I chill and try to ease my pace, I had been learning my 7 times and 8 times tables so I could check my splits, I didn’t know my 6.5 times tables so I would have to slow, (my legs would also blow up at 5 miles). 2 miles 14mins (better). I carry on up my 7 tables to 5 miles and then start to settle for anything between 7 and 8. Ho, the red bull ...bad idea, I got a small mouth full of it again at around 3 miles, note to self, drink it at least an hour before I start to run, it then let me know there was still some undigested at 5 and 7 miles. I carried on quite well with the normal twinges in my calves, then behind my right knee, then my left buttock all of which came and went to be finally extinguished when I developed a blister on my left arch at 9 miles, proper pain to think about. This eased as my mind started thinking how the relatively flat run on the 6.5miles out and back to Gallanachmore and the 3 miles along to Ganavan Bay had suddenly changed to be quite hilly as we climbed the new cycle track towards Dunstaffnage. As my calves were quite tight by now I went on to the balls of my feet and tried to spring my way up, it didn’t make me any faster but I got up the hills and eased my calves. By the time I had run this (the 10 mile mark being the turning point) and checked my watch at 11miles I was now nearing 8 min pace 1hr 22min. I had really psyched myself to a less than 1hr 40mins time so I tried to increase my pace, the blister now appearing on my right arch lifted me slightly so with the pleasant thought of the run up the hill to Atlantis to finish I battled on. The lovely sunny weather had changed to a light drizzle which was nice and as I turned to drop back down to Atlantis the sound of someone behind me obviously desperate to drop my position by one by the sounds he was making was all the encouragement I needed to keep my speed up for the next few hundred metres bringing me home in 1hr 39mins ish I hope!
The “Then” blog. For details see entry for March 7th 2009. In brief the restoration of Claonairigh House. Monday 5th
Beautiful day....no midges. Caught one mouse in the house and one in the awning.
Finished fitting sarking board to lounge roof. Tiles ¾ north side working with shirt off in the sunshine.