Wednesday, 16 January 2008

A busy week…having fun

This week seems to be turning into my post Christmas rush week off. The above photos are from a morning spent with horses and children messing around followed by an adventure walk from our house with the dogs. This ended with Toby falling in an icily cold stream, which was very funny to all concerned except for him. Sunday saw swimming at The Loch Fyne Hotel and then on Monday Garret and I had a wonderful day off (Thanks, Eleanor for having the girls after school!) at Glencoe where there is good snow cover. I reacquainted myself with skiing, only been once before for a week a staggering (to me) 25 years ago. Garret had his first and only lesson at Glencoe a few years ago. We pottered exhaustingly around for the morning and then after a sandwich that we were both far too nervous to eat we headed off for a lesson. There were two instructors and 5 pupils and after the very first descent it was decided that due to my extreme fear factor (but good muscle tone…I am allowed to boast once in a while) I would get one instructor all to myself. There then followed a very enjoyable, instructive and exhausting 2 plus hours as I was coaxed and cajoled into parallel turns and was eventually taken to a higher steeper run down which I did ski! Well…actually I fell down quite a lot of it, threatened avalanches from all directions with my screams, had a (only one, quite a small one) hissy fit and blessed my lovely instructor all the way down as he patiently skied backwards in front of me catching me as and when required. So, it is back to the slopes ASAP for us! Will post photos as soon as we can manage to carry the camera safely. Horses today with Howard and Myrna riding through the hills on a lovely crisp day…bliss, what a lucky girl I am! Out in a few minutes to jogscotland to maintain that muscle tone.

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